Rob Robertson, M.D. “AIDS is a viral attack on certain immune system cells, which causes an inability of our immune system to mount a normal response to infectious agents. Thus persons who have AIDS are susceptible to opportunistic infections caused by pathogens ordinarily, in the non-immunodeficient patient, would be benign, or at least not life threatening. Transfer Factor Plus, by its ability to generally stimulate the immune system, and by its particular ability to increase the function of viral fighting Natural Killer Cells, should certainly be strongly considered as an adjuvant to be added to the arsenal of regimens used in the intervention of the progressive course of AIDS.”
Dr. William Hennen: “The use of a general transfer factor preparation is well justified for preventative use. Much of what we have seen in the cases of AIDS and even the flu is that it is not the primary infection that kills, but rather the secondary, opportunistic infections that destroy the weakened individual.”David Markowitz, M.D. An experience with HIV – Kenny’s Story: An early success with Immune Boosting naturally in a young man with HIV. KG is a 20 year old with Hemophilia who contracted HIV many years ago from “dirty” clotting factors used to treat his Hemophilia. KG has been on many regimens for his HIV, including most recently (within the past year), an experimental regimen with no positive response. If anything, he suffered from many of the side effects of retroviral therapy. Five months ago, KG started a high dose regimen of Transfer Factor™ (3 caps 3 times daily) and Transfer Factor Plus™ (2 caps 3 times daily), concurrent with his experimental therapy. He has remained infectious disease free throughout his TF boosting. He also came to us with very exciting news three weeks ago: he has a ZERO viral count and an increasing, now close to normal CD4 count of 475. Is Kenny out of the woods completely? No, but he is now well on his way to possibly being disease free. His next counts are scheduled for six weeks from now and we will keep all posted. Kenny is a peer counselor and educator for HIV/AIDS and he is now spreading the word about TF and TF+ to members of the AIDS community.
“An international Transfer Factor symposium was held which highlighted the recent work of determined scientists.” Source: Transfer Factor in the Era of Aids. Proceedings of the Xth Ibnternational Symposium on Transfer Factor. Bologna, Italy, 22-24 June 1995. Biotherapy 1996, 9(1-3), ix-x, 1-185.
“Using Transfer Factor, an 80 percent inhibition of HIV was demonstrated in vitro. Interestingly, these researchers seperated the Transfer Factor into three fractions and found that all of the anti-HIV activity was located in one fraction.” Source: Inhibition of in vitro HIV infection by dialyzable leukocyte extracts. Fernandez-Ortega C, Dubed M, Ruibal O, Villarrubia OK, Menendez de San Pedro JC, Navea L, Ojeda M, Arana MJ. Biotherapy 1996, 9(1-3), 33-40.“In a combination protocol, HIV-1 specific Transfer Factor with Zidovudine (ZDV) administration orally for 15 days resulted in an increase in white blood cells, CD8 lymphocytes and IL-2 levels, which worked to fight the virus. The combination ZDV and Transfer Factor appeared to be both safe and well tolerated.” Source: Preliminerary results in HIV-1-infected patients treated with Transfer Factor (TF) and zidovudine (ZDV). Raise E, Guerra L, Viza D, Pizza G, De Vinci C, Schiattone ML, Rocaccio L, Cicognani M, Gritti F. Biotherapy 1996, 9(1-3), 49-54.“The benefits of a combination therapy of antiviral treatments and daily Transfer Factor administration were further demonstrated by a resotration of delayed type hypersensitivity within 60 days.” Source: Preliminary observations using HIV-specific Transfer Factor in Airds. Pizza G, Chiodo F, Colangeli M, Raiwe E, Fudenberg HH, De Vinci C, Viza D. Biotherapy 1996, 9(1-3), 163-170._______________________________________________________________________
Usage of transfer factors in treatment of HIV-Infected Patients
Granitov V.M., Karbysheva N.V., Sultanov L.V., McCausland C., Oganova E.
The Altay State Medical University;
The Altay Regional Center for Prophylaxis and Treatment of AIDS, Russian Federation
INTRODUCTION: Included in this study were 25 HIV-infected patients (20 male and 5 female), ages 19 to 56 (15 patients ages 21-25). Individuals were classified according to V.I. Pokrovsky’s classification (1989) for HIV-infection. Eight (8) patients were diagnosed to have stage 2B, thirteen (13) patients were stage 2C, three (3) patients were stage 3A and one (1) was stage 3B. Infection periods were as follows: nine (9) patients were infected 1 year ago, four (4) were 2 years ago, four (4) were three years ago, six (6) were 5 years ago and two (2) were 6 years ago.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to serve as an initial trial in evaluating the effects of enhanced transfer factors supplementation on HIV-infected patients.METHODOLOGY: The experimental group (15 patients), who did not receive antiretroviral or immuno-correcting therapy, received enhanced transfer factors provided by 4Life Research, USA. They were administered one capsule twice a day for 7 days. The control group (10 patients) consisted of HIV-infected patients taking cycloferon in the following dosage schedule: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th days. Before treatment and 7 to 10 days after the treatment an evaluation was carried out to access the immune status of the patient groups and to determine cytokine (interleukin 1b (IL-1b), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) and g-interferon (IFN-g) levels.RESULTS: In the experimental group, it was found that after treatment with enhanced transfer factors there was an increase of lymphocytes in 13 patients, an in crease of CD3 cells in 15 patients, an increase of CD4 cells in 14 patients and an increase in CD8 cells in 12 patients. Immuno-regulating index (IRI) persisted on the same level in 3 patients was increased in 10 patients and decreased in 7 patients. IgG was reduced in 16 patients and IgM was within normal limits in all patients. An increase of IL-1b and IFN-7 was noted in all patients treated with transfer factors. Circulating Immune Complex (CIC) levels dropped to normal levels in 10 of the patients. In the control group an increase of lymphocytes was noted in only 3 patients. A decrease of CD3, CD4 and CD8 cells was noted in 6 patients. IRI persisted on the same level or decreased. CIC levels dropped to normal in 3 patients, increased in 6 patients, there was no change in 1 patient. The occurrence of increases and decreases of IgG were equal.CONCLUSION: We conclude that transfer factors therapy considerably improves the immune status of HIV-infected patients and can be recommended in combating the pathogenesis of the disease. Further studies are needed to determine optimal therapy, the necessity to repeat courses of the treatment and the frequency of therapy needed.
Transfer Factor in Dermatovenerology
S.G. Luikova, O.B. Nyemchanyinova, E.V. Chernikova, Iu.P. Gichev
Novosibirsk State Medical Academy;
Research Center for Clinical and Experimental Medicine SD RAMS, NovosibirskINTRODUCTION: According to current theories psoriasis is complicated by recurrent herpes infection, which brings about the suppression of interferon production and suppressed T-cellular immunity. This necessitates carrying out the immune status correction in addition to specific antiviral therapy. With this in mind we undertook the evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of transfer factors in this group of patients with psoriasis who also suffer from recurrent genital herpes.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this investigation was to study the effects of enhanced transfer factors in a complex treatment of patients with psoriasis and recurrent genital herpes.METHODOLOGY 1: This study was initially conducted with 8 patients with exudative psoriasis, 5 children age 9-14 and 3 adults, ages 19-46. Four of these patients were manifesting dermatosis for the first time. All patients had widely distributed eruptions. Since traditional methods of treatment were not effective enough, we added enhanced transfer factors from bovine colostrum. The product was administered according to the following scheme: 4 capsules daily for 14 days and then 4 capsules twice a week for 14 days. The product was obtained from 4Life Research, USA. The clinical effectiveness of the product was evaluated.RESULTS 1: By the end of the course of treatment 7 patients demonstrated a marked improvement of skin condition. We prolonged treatment in only one patient for an additional two weeks. This patient has suffered from psoriasis since 1998 and exhibited signs of arthropathy.METHODOLOGY 2: We continued the study with an additional 9 patients, ages 18-38, with disease duration of 6 months to 5 years and that had suffered from severe (only several days to six weeks remission) or moderate severity (2 to 3 months remission) courses of the disease. During the recurrent course of the disease the majority of patients received antiviral (acyclovir) and non-specific immunomodulating drugs, biogenic stimulators and others, which in the majority of cases resulted in only a slight prolongation of the remission period. Enhanced transfer factors were given as a monotherapy to the patients during periods of genital herpes relapse according to the following scheme: 4 capsules daily for 2 weeks, then 4 capsules 3 times a week and in the following 2 weeks 4 capsules twice a week. The therapeutic effectiveness of the product was evaluated according to the duration of remission and the duration and severity of relapses as compared with the course of treatment without the use of transfer factors.RESULTS 2: Seven of nine patients receiving transfer factors demonstrated stable antirecurrent effects. Two patients had a relapse on the 2nd and the 4th weeks of the treatment, but it was of an abortive nature and did not affect quality of life. Pain acuteness in these instances was less pronounced than during the previous relapses. In the following 6 weeks the patients demonstrated stable clinical remission.CONCLUSION: We concluded that the use of enhanced transfer factors in patients with psoriasis and recurrent genital herpes gave improved clinical results which prompts the expediency of further clinical studies.——————————————————————————————————————————ABSTRACT
Enhanced Transfer Factors in the Complex Treatment of Patients with Opisthorchiasis
N.V. Karbysheva, L.V. Sultanov, S.I. Belykh, C. McCausland, E.Oganova
Altay State Medical University, Barnaul Russian Federation;
Altay Center for AIDS Prevention and ControlINTRODUCTION: Opisthorchiasis is one of the most prevalent and socially significant helminthisms in Russia. The Western Siberia Region is known to be among the most dangerous locations of opisthorchiasis in the world. The infection rate among the local population in this area is considered to be 70-80% and perhaps as high as 90%. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find a more effective treatment. Many investigators have expressed the necessity of correcting immune reaction imbalances in opisthorchiasis patients. Immuno-rehabilitation is recommended as part of the complex therapy needed in the treatment of opisthorchiasis, but the authors have not singled out a definite group of medicines among a vast number of immune modulators.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of enhanced transfer factors (provided by 4Life Research, USA) in the treatment of patients with chronic opisthorchiasis.METHODOLOGY: The study examined 94 patients that were grouped as follows: Group 1 (experimental) included 50 patients who received enhanced transfer factors. Group 2 (control) included 44 patients. In order to evaluate the obtained data we also examined 75 opisthorchiasis-free donors. All patients underwent antihelminthic therapy with bilthricide (“Bayer” company) according to the following scheme: 75mg/kg body weight three times orally per day. Of these, 50 patients (Group 1) received 2 capsules of enhanced transfer factors 3 times daily for 7 days after antihelminthic therapy. The 44 patients in Group 2 were matched to patients in Group 1 by sex, age and clinical manifestations and received bilthricide therapy. In both groups all the parameters to be investigated were defined and measured before therapy, 2 weeks after beginning therapy and 3 months after discontinuation of therapy. Follow-up was conducted with all patients at 6 months.RESULTS: The follow-up revealed that enhanced transfer factors is well tolerated. Patients in Group 1 had no occurrence of asthenovegetative syndrome or increase in the frequency of intensified pain in the right hypochondrium, which is common after bilthricide treatment. Three months after treatment the morbid manifestations of hepatobililary system were observed only in Group 2. Arthralgia and vasculitis occurred in both groups, but the number of such patients decreased in Group 1 and remained unchanged in Group 2. Immuno-correction was manifested in the highest degree 6 months after treatment. All 12 patients with arthralgia in Group 1 experienced convalescence while in Group 2 only 4 of 13 convalesced. Of those in Group 1 with vasculitis 7 of 9 convalesced, whereas, none of the 6 with vasculitis in Group 2 convalesced.CONCLUSION: The use of enhanced transfer factors in the complex therapy of opisthorchiasis resulted in more complete patient convalescence within the six month period. The results of the study demonstrate the clinical and immunological effectiveness of enhanced transfer factors. Its use promotes activation of the monocyte-macrophage link, which is defined by the increase of IL-1b, TNF-a and especially IFN-g concentration leading to the induction of the second phase immune response with the formation of the specific protective immunity. Immuno-rehabilitation by enhanced transfer factors following dehelminthization with bilthricide promotes quick elimination of opisthorchiasis antigens thus preventing the development of other immunopathologic processes. It also promotes elimination of chronic opisthorchiasis and generally results in complete and early recovery. In our view it is advisable to use enhanced transfer factors in the complex therapy of patients with this invasion.——————————————————————————————————————————ABSTRACT
Effectiveness of transfer factors (TF) in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis Patients
Professor A.V. Rak, Departmental Head of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Field Surgery,
and Professor V.A. Dadali, Departmental Head of Biochemistry
St. Petersburg State Medical Academy, Russian FederationINTRODUCTION: The experience of studying chronic osteomyelitis, one of the most protracted and sever infections, testifies to the leading role of free radical and peroxide oxidation reactions with lipids and proteins in the pathogenic mechanisms of the disease and immune deficiency formation in patients. Being a purulent (pus forming) inflammatory process, osteomyelitis is characterized by intensified free radical and peroxide processes, disturbed membrane function and boy intoxication.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this investigation was to study the TF product’s effectiveness in a complex treatment of chronic osteomyelitic patients. The transfer factors product was obtained from 4Life Research, USA.METHODOLOGY: Patients with different forms of osteomyelitis were divided into 2 groups: experimental (20 patients) and control (13 patients). The standard method of treatment was comprised of surgery with the aim of removing the purulent infection and administering wide spectrum antibiotics (gentamycin, ampiox, etc.) in the postoperative period. The experimental group (20 patients) in addition to surgery and standard antibacterial treatment received 2 capsules of TF 3 times daily. The control group (13 patients) matched by nosological classification, sex and age received conventional therapy. Laboratory analyses and clinical investigations were carried out before, one week after surgery and one month after the complex treatment and included clinical, biochemical and immunological evaluations.RESULTS: The use of transfer factors in the complex treatment of osteomyelitis proved beneficial in the treatment of disease. The product was found to increase the effective ness of the ascorbate and thio-disulfide antioxidant system (AOS) links and normalize functional activity of the AOS enzymes. In complex osteomyelitis the use of the TF product was shown to decrease peroxidation of lipid and protein structures and to product a membrane-stabilizing effect. Changes in the humoral immunity link, characterized by an increased product of IgA, and stimulation of the phagocytic immunity link, with out a noticeable increase of circulating immune complex (CIC) level, were also established.CONCLUSION: The data obtained showed that in osteomyelitis enzymatic and low molecular antioxidant links of the body defense system as well as cellular systems membranous mechanisms were the first elements to respond positively to TF effects thus forestalling the disease by development of beneficial immune responses. The improvement of these values in combination with the pronounced positive dynamics of the immune system leads us to conclude that even in cases of severe infection, as in osteomyelitis, TF can be recommended as an addition to the conventional treatment. It is also useful to prolong the period of product administration to further improve the indices of the protective mechanisms and, most of all, to improve the patients’ immunity.
Transfer Factor, The Immune System and Cancer
According t o Dr. George C Pack, MD, a cancer specialist at Cornell medical School, almost everyone has cancer cells present at times in our bodies. If our immune system is working properly, these cells are killed or reabsorbed by our defense system before they begin to grow and threaten our health. The only real defense against cancer is the immune system.
The Cancer Research Institute was founded in 1953 to foster the science of cancer immunology, which is based on the premise that the body’s immune system can be mobilized against cancer. This field, which CRI helped pioneer and develop, has been recognized throughout the world as offering great horpe for the ultimate prevention and treatment of human cancer. Click here to read about The Cancer Research Institute’s articles on Cancer and the immune system
The immune response is the body’s way of defending itself against foreign substances that invade it to cause infection or disease. The immune system’s job is a complicated process that involves the coordinated efforts of several types of white blood cells. The pictorial below depicts the process by showing how the immune system destroys viruses.
See our special report on Cancer and the Immune system: How the body Kills Cancer Cells.
Trials with Transfer factor and Cancers
Darryl See, M.D. conducted the following studies after his initial trial showed the awesome immune boosting qualities of Transfer factor.
The initial results of a groundbreaking independent study using Transfer Factor™ and Transfer Factor Plus™ yielded unprecedented results in a study done by the Institute of Longevity Medicine in California, a laboratory recognized for its research and expertise in measuring the ability of ingredients to significantly boost the immune system. Dr See had showed that Transfer Factor Plus™ increased the NK cell activity 248% above normal immune response without supplementation, or about five times higher than any of the other 196 previously tested products. This is higher than any other drug, vitamin, herb, etc.
In the follow up research, twenty patients, 12 men and 8 women, were selected for this in vivo study. The average age was 49.3. The twenty individuals were each level 3 or level 4 cancer patients. Each patient was basically sent home by his or her oncologist to die. The average life expectancy was 3.7 months. The protocol was to place each patient on 9 capsules per day of Transfer Factor Plus. The patients were given a number of other general nutrients*. After eight months, 16 of these individuals were still living and were either in remission, improving or stabilized. Details: Transfer Factor Study with 20 Cancer Patients
The baseline for natural killer cell function was 6.4. Within 4 weeks the average NK Cell function was increased to 25.7 and in 6 months it increased to 27.6. This represented a 400% increase in NK Cell function. This is an ongoing study. This study has been submitted to a peer reviewed publication.
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